Sunday 15 March 2015

Research Product

We have now moved on to the research topic. I have chosen to research about tools and weapons.

This is a line art drawling that i have done by looking at an area of a vessel. I think that the outcome of this drawling has turned out really nice and it stands out a lot.

This is a life drawling that I had to draw. I think that the outcome of this has turned out interesting. This is because of all of the different shades.

This is an sketch of an rifle. It is an Muzzleloaded rifle back around the 1900's. I think that the outcome of this could of came out more better than what it have. This is because the blending in didn't go too well.

This is another sketch that I have done of a rifle. I zoomed in on a section and added more detail.

This is an painting that I have done of an shotgun. I think that the painting and the tones has came out ok but they could of been better.

This is an sketch that I have done of an Semi-Automatic Pistol. 

I have now looked at different bullets and magazines that firearm's use.

This is an mono print that I have done of an Revolver. I really like the outcome of this because it has little ink on, so it makes the outline really stand out.

This is another mono print that I have done. I don't really like the outcome of this because the ink is too thick.

I am now going to think about what I am going to do. I have thought about some designs that I am going to do for a t-shirt. The design that I have chosen is unexpected things coming out of a gun which are linked into war/ random ideas/ tools+weapons. Here are some of the thumbnails designs that I have came up with:

Out of these designs, I have chosen to develop the diamonds + money design. The meaning behind this design is that war is mainly created because people want more power, land and more money.

I wanted to take a break from designing for a little while and created some clay models of Revolvers and magazines.

This is a zoom up of my 3D Revolver. I really like the outcome of this because I wanted to give up a lot and I squished the clay/ started again so many times but got there in the end.

I have now screen printed my design on two t-shirts. I think that the outcome of these has came out really nice but I could of screen printed them more better. I made a couple of mistakes but it was a good go since it was my first time screen printing.

This is a logo that i have designed to go on the back of the tops. I called it "Dirty Power" because power changes a lot of people and is used in the wrong way. I then went around it using diamonds to make it link in with the t-shirt designs.

I have now decided to take the logo further because I had some spear time. I have created an catalog using the design that I have already created. I decided to create the clothing/ accessories on one side and an model modeling the items on the next page.

I had a really fun time creating this mini catalog. This is because I enjoyed designing and creating my own clothing and accessories. The outcome of it has turnt out good but it could pf been better. It could of been better by making sure the models are drawn probably.