Monday 24 November 2014

Human form

Human Form

For this topic, I have no idea on what to do for it. I have so many different ideas for it  but I don't know what one to develop. Instead of rushing things through, I am going to try out a couple of ideas first of all.

Portraits into animation  

One of my ideas  that I have came up with was turning portraits into anime/manga style. I have drawn two of my friends and transformed them into characters. I think that the outcome of them was ok but it could of turned out more better. However, it was really fun to try it and it is a good way to practice two topics at once. It was fun to try out but I don't think I will be carrying this on for my topic.

Animation and illustration

I have decided to try out patterns and shapes. I used the anime pictures that I have drawn of my friends and I made up another 2 deigns. I really like this style because of the bold, thick outline and the amount of detail and time it takes to put into one picture. I think the the outcome on them have came out pretty good and it is really nice to look at.

Totem poles and illustration

I wanted to give this ago because I found totem poles really funny to look at with all of the different expressions. I wanted to mix it with cartoon animals because it reminds me of an child's toy. I think that the outcome on these have came out really cute.

Pop up

I wanted to try out an pop up card to try out something totally different compared to the work that I have already done. It was good fun to make but it's not for me. I might try it out again in the future but not for this topic


I have decided to focus on tattoos mixed with illustration. I wanted to chose this as a topic because I can get practice on designing my own pictures and I also can practice other techniques with the designs that i have done. These are some of the designs that I have came up with based on skulls.

I have now created a poster with the designs. I wanted to create this because I thought if i connect them all together, they look good as an advertisement for an tattoo shop. 

I have now created some designs for nature/floral tattoos. I think that they have came out really bright and pretty.

With these designs, I am going to screen print them on some t-shirts. I have used tracing paper to create some designs to go on the tops. I think that it will turn out interesting because I have never tried this out before.

I think that the outcome of these designs has turned out ok but it could of been better. I like how there are different types of flowers mixed and how it is effective with line art.

I am now developing the tattoo product onto sculls. I have created 4 different type of designs for a client. I really like the way that they have came out because they are the same topic but a lot different from each other.

This is the chosen design that i have chosen to develop and take action with. It was interesting trying this out because I had to use an fine liner to draw it on her skin  (I checked on my hand if the pen came off easily first). I think that the outcome have turned out good since it was my first attempt of drawling on someones arm.

I had leftover time in my product, so I decided to create another design for a different person. The client wanted a tattoo that represents family that is always connected no matter how far away they may be. So I created a heart that is separated but still connected by the beads.

This is the outcome of the second tattoo design that I have developed. I think that the outcome of it has turned out different then the other design. This is because it is in a different place to draw on.