Tuesday 25 February 2014


Painting topic 


This is my front cover for this new painting topic. I think the outcome is ok because it's really colourful, just the way i like it. I messed up quite a lot though, however i did manage to fix them up and they are now less noticeable.


We then had to complete mini tasks such at: blending colours (Acrylic samples), draw/ paint an apple and an object from the box. I  have choosen to paint a blue bottel for this. This is because it made the reflection shine off a lot and there were more than one shade of blue. I didn't really like doing this because sill life aint really my strongest side, but i did when i got into half way of  painting them.


This was an interesting thing to play around with them, the teacher said we have to cut up shapes all day and change the size/ the way they're placed, I didn't like the idea of this at all. I thought it would be boring and the day would drag, a lot! However, i actually shocked myself by getting stuck into it and the day went pretty fast. I would never do it again though because it takes ages. After that, i then reversed the shapes that I have done on the photocoppyer. I think the outcome of all of them has came out alright and i could see them on a advertising prodject.

We have now moved onto water colour paint. We have been focusing on the effects that lighten can make and the different angles that they can be in. I think that the outcome of them could of been better. I think that they could of been better by adding more detail, focus on the lighter areas more and do the correct outline first instead of going straight into it.

This is my watercolour stretching attempt. I think that the outcome of it came out really, really bad. This is because i'm not really good at painting and the colours kept on blending into each other too much.

  This week, we have been looking at the different effects that you can get depending on the surface you choose to paint on. So we tested painting on the brown and white side of the card using oil paint. I think the outcome of it  could of been way better and i could of added more layers to all of the pictures.

This picture was done by  mixed media. I used oil pastels, watercolours, acrylic paint, oil paint and tissue paper. I think that the outcome of it has turned out ok, but could of been better. I used a big brush when i used the blue paint, so it ruined it a lot.

This is a watercolour painting that I have done. I think that the outcome of this is ok but it cold of been better. I hate the way it smugged and blended into the blue.

This is a paper design of my final piece that I have done. I created my final piece with a smashed up plate and painted deign in the background. I think that the outcome of this has turned out ok but it could of been better, It could of been better by doing better designs and more planned out.