Monday 24 November 2014

Human form

Human Form

For this topic, I have no idea on what to do for it. I have so many different ideas for it  but I don't know what one to develop. Instead of rushing things through, I am going to try out a couple of ideas first of all.

Portraits into animation  

One of my ideas  that I have came up with was turning portraits into anime/manga style. I have drawn two of my friends and transformed them into characters. I think that the outcome of them was ok but it could of turned out more better. However, it was really fun to try it and it is a good way to practice two topics at once. It was fun to try out but I don't think I will be carrying this on for my topic.

Animation and illustration

I have decided to try out patterns and shapes. I used the anime pictures that I have drawn of my friends and I made up another 2 deigns. I really like this style because of the bold, thick outline and the amount of detail and time it takes to put into one picture. I think the the outcome on them have came out pretty good and it is really nice to look at.

Totem poles and illustration

I wanted to give this ago because I found totem poles really funny to look at with all of the different expressions. I wanted to mix it with cartoon animals because it reminds me of an child's toy. I think that the outcome on these have came out really cute.

Pop up

I wanted to try out an pop up card to try out something totally different compared to the work that I have already done. It was good fun to make but it's not for me. I might try it out again in the future but not for this topic


I have decided to focus on tattoos mixed with illustration. I wanted to chose this as a topic because I can get practice on designing my own pictures and I also can practice other techniques with the designs that i have done. These are some of the designs that I have came up with based on skulls.

I have now created a poster with the designs. I wanted to create this because I thought if i connect them all together, they look good as an advertisement for an tattoo shop. 

I have now created some designs for nature/floral tattoos. I think that they have came out really bright and pretty.

With these designs, I am going to screen print them on some t-shirts. I have used tracing paper to create some designs to go on the tops. I think that it will turn out interesting because I have never tried this out before.

I think that the outcome of these designs has turned out ok but it could of been better. I like how there are different types of flowers mixed and how it is effective with line art.

I am now developing the tattoo product onto sculls. I have created 4 different type of designs for a client. I really like the way that they have came out because they are the same topic but a lot different from each other.

This is the chosen design that i have chosen to develop and take action with. It was interesting trying this out because I had to use an fine liner to draw it on her skin  (I checked on my hand if the pen came off easily first). I think that the outcome have turned out good since it was my first attempt of drawling on someones arm.

I had leftover time in my product, so I decided to create another design for a different person. The client wanted a tattoo that represents family that is always connected no matter how far away they may be. So I created a heart that is separated but still connected by the beads.

This is the outcome of the second tattoo design that I have developed. I think that the outcome of it has turned out different then the other design. This is because it is in a different place to draw on.

Monday 20 October 2014

Surface Pattern

Surface pattern 


 This is my repeat pattern that I have created. I found it interesting because i have never done anything like this before.  I think that the outcome of this has came out  bright and nice. I think this because it could be a page in a children's book or an new cartoon. If I had more time on this, I would of created different aliens to creat a space atmoshphere.

First of all, I had to draw an design in the center of the page while making sure it does not come off of any of the edges.
Next, I had to cut my page in half and make sure that the pages are the same size as each other. After that, I then stuck them back together inside facing out.  Then, I had to  cut it again, flip and rotate it and stuck it back together again. Then, I had to design, in the corners, and I had to then fill in the empty spaces. Finally, I then filled in the colour and then photocopyed it 4 times to stick them together for the last time. 

  This is my rangoli pattern.I think that it has came out really bad and it could be a lot better. On the other hand, it was fun and it makes you think about if the pattern is going to work or if you have to change a little bit of it.Even though it never came out that good, I really enjoyed trying it out. It was hard to keep going the outline on the tracing paper though. This is because the outline keeps on getting darker and darker, so you forget where you have traced over.


 This is some of the Batik's I have done. I Think the outcome of these ones are terrible because they were my first ones that I have created. I really enjoyed using the hot wax  because it was good to use something else than a pen or pencil.I think that the colours that I have used were ok, but I could of used better ones that mixed more better. 


This is a Kimono dress that  I have designed for the women in Japan. I wanted to created a design because I found it really weird of the upbringing or Kimono girls in the past and I think that their clothes are really pretty, colourful and amazing.The outcome of this deign has turnt out alright but i think that it could of been better. I really like the purple against the flowers, but iI think i added too many flowers.

This is my zellige design. I really like Zellige designs because they are only allowed to be certain colours. I think that the outcome of this has turned out nice, but the colours are too bright. The shapes were hard to angle in the correct way because I have never tried this before so I am not used to it.

This is my drawing of Anna's dress from the film Frozen. I wanted to include this because Frozen has got a lot of patterns included in the film. Anna's dress has got a really pretty pattern on it and it is really natural. I think that the outcome out this drawing has turned out really nice. This is because it looks like it.

This is my batic scanned and photoshoped in different effects. I think the outcome of it has turned out really different and nice. They are both different to each other and bright

I am now focusing on some tattoo designs that have patterns in. These are some of the designs that I have created. I tried to mix tribal tattoos and mark making together. I think this flower tattoo has turned out okay but it could of been better. It would of been better if the flower petals were even instead of one odd one out.

I like this tattoo design that I have done. This is because you have got to have a lot of faith in this world and a rose represents faith well because a rose is pure and beautiful. I think it is a good pattern tattoo because it is in tribal style..

This is my version of Mini Mouse in tribal art. I think that the outcome of it has turned out really cute. It would be the perfect tattoo for Disney and Mini Mouse lovers.

This is a love tattoo that I have designed. I think that this design is perfect for couples who have been together for a long time and who wants to get the same tattoos.

This is a tattoo that I have designed for mothers who have had a miscarriage or who have lost a child through an accident. I think that the outcome out it has came out ok, but it could of been better.

This is a butterfly tattoo that i has designed to represent freedom and nature. I think that the outcome of it has turned out alright. The outline could of been more sharper and it could been designed more better.


This is my final piece on this topic. First of all, I created the rose using Batic. Then I had to cut it out to stuck on a bright background. I think that the outcome out this has turned out really bad. I should of put it on a pillow instead.

Tuesday 25 February 2014


Painting topic 


This is my front cover for this new painting topic. I think the outcome is ok because it's really colourful, just the way i like it. I messed up quite a lot though, however i did manage to fix them up and they are now less noticeable.


We then had to complete mini tasks such at: blending colours (Acrylic samples), draw/ paint an apple and an object from the box. I  have choosen to paint a blue bottel for this. This is because it made the reflection shine off a lot and there were more than one shade of blue. I didn't really like doing this because sill life aint really my strongest side, but i did when i got into half way of  painting them.


This was an interesting thing to play around with them, the teacher said we have to cut up shapes all day and change the size/ the way they're placed, I didn't like the idea of this at all. I thought it would be boring and the day would drag, a lot! However, i actually shocked myself by getting stuck into it and the day went pretty fast. I would never do it again though because it takes ages. After that, i then reversed the shapes that I have done on the photocoppyer. I think the outcome of all of them has came out alright and i could see them on a advertising prodject.

We have now moved onto water colour paint. We have been focusing on the effects that lighten can make and the different angles that they can be in. I think that the outcome of them could of been better. I think that they could of been better by adding more detail, focus on the lighter areas more and do the correct outline first instead of going straight into it.

This is my watercolour stretching attempt. I think that the outcome of it came out really, really bad. This is because i'm not really good at painting and the colours kept on blending into each other too much.

  This week, we have been looking at the different effects that you can get depending on the surface you choose to paint on. So we tested painting on the brown and white side of the card using oil paint. I think the outcome of it  could of been way better and i could of added more layers to all of the pictures.

This picture was done by  mixed media. I used oil pastels, watercolours, acrylic paint, oil paint and tissue paper. I think that the outcome of it has turned out ok, but could of been better. I used a big brush when i used the blue paint, so it ruined it a lot.

This is a watercolour painting that I have done. I think that the outcome of this is ok but it cold of been better. I hate the way it smugged and blended into the blue.

This is a paper design of my final piece that I have done. I created my final piece with a smashed up plate and painted deign in the background. I think that the outcome of this has turned out ok but it could of been better, It could of been better by doing better designs and more planned out.