Tuesday 12 November 2013

Computer blog

Stencil Art

This is my Disney stencil i have made. I created it by using different tools on Photoshop. First of all, i went onto the adjustments and then the Threshoid tool. Next, i went on filter->Artistic-> Palette Knife. After that, i used the move tool and dragged it onto the other image. Finally, i used the transform tool.

This is my silhoutte picture. I used some tools like: adjustment tool, inverse tool, magic wand, quick selection tool and more. I hated to this because i could not  get to right. 

This is my attempted at the tag graffiti. I have used a mixed of tools such as: paint tools, adjust stroke and free transformation tool. I did enjoy this activity until it messed up. I think the outcome of it is ok but i do want to try this again, although with the drawing mat instead of the mouse.

This is my 3d concept and Techniques try out. I had to use a lot of different tools. I found this more better than photoshop because its more easier to find out where the tools are. I had to used as mix of tools such as: the move tool, new materials and refection. 

This is my second screen shot, but this time, i'm moving around the camera and playing with different views. I really like this one more because it is way more different than the first one and i think it looks more better.

This is my ipod using cinema 4D. I really enjoyed using this because it was fun to try something different and i didn't get stuck this time. I have used a lot of tools such as: primitive object menu, attributes manger and material editor.

This is my first attempted of making a perfume bottle in Cinema 4D. Some of the tools i have used were: front view, akima and lathe nurb tool. I have enjoyed using this program and i find it more easier than using Photoshop. 

I have then experimented with making it more of an glass effect. I kind of failed a little but it looks pretty cool and very ordinary. I like the colours and the refection it have got though. 

I have then created another one by copying and pasting the first one i have created. I first had to group all of the tools i have used though. I like this view because the blue reflection is on the red bottle and the other way around too. I think because of this, they both look more connected and looks more pretty.

For my final screen shot, i wanted to move the second one i have done and add more light in certain areas. I really like this one because the reflection is the same as the previous screen shot. Also, the reflections are more interesting. 

3D digital media

   We are now researching about 3D digital media. I have picked lilo and stitch because was and still is my favourite childhood film. I really like this picture because it is edited with a picture on top of each other. It makes the characters really stand out, as well as the colours in the background.

I have picked this design because it is pretty and interesting to look at. It is also like it is escaping the screen. I think it is a good example of exploring the different 3D digital media because there are so many different ways.

`I think the film the " Avatar" is a good example of 3d digital media. This is because it is an mixed film with real life and 3D media.  I find it really good how they have combined the two together, didn't make them mix  and make the 3D so realistic .


 Crash bandy coot is one of the best games for 3D digital media to m e. This is because It is such and addicting game and there are more than one game. 

Final Fantasy is one of my favourite games . It is on a lot  such as: psp, ps3, PlayStation and more. I love it so much because the animation clips they have in there are so realistic at points. Definitely in Crissis Core when they are talking about them being friends when they were younger.

Pokemon is a really good example of this subject because it have gone a very long way. It has changed so much since it has came out and it is a 3D now.

I think the Disney movie tangled is a really good example. This is because they have been more creative in this movie with the 3D affects and has focused on more of the actions/ background.

Frozen is more of a recent, amazing example! They have gone all the way with this movie because they have included so many patterns, different angles and a whole new experience.

 This picture has a really awesome effect to it. The colours and shadows really stands out and it is a really good example. This is because it has really good outlines and there are a lot of different colours.

I think this is a really good example. This is because of the reflection, the light, the different colours that are used, the blurred outline, the highlights and the shadows. This would be great as a canvas or wallpaper for a computer and background for social networks.

This 3D image would link into advertising. It could be used for a company, catalogue or maybe a magazine/newspapers. This is done on photoshop and they have used the 3D effect really well.

Mobile apps and computer games are really popular in this category. Even though they all link up, they are really different in their own way. Sometimes you have to buy them where as the one could be free or you have to pay once a month (guitar apps/ music apps). They are all created in  a different way as well because they have got different features to them.


Today, we had to experiment with different effects on photoshop. First of all, we had to pick a person, from a band or movie, so I picked Ronnie Radke from Falling In Revers. 

This is the design that I have done. I think it have came out good and I like how it all blends in together. Some of the tools we hat to use were: halftone screen, bitmap and curves. I found the activity really easy and enjoyed it.

Today, we had to scan some of our work in we have done from our book.

This is an edit picture I have done in Photoshop. It is a painting I have done of an apple. I have enjoyed this activity because I got to adjust the colours and mix them around a bit. Some of the tools I have used are: Canvas size, Levels and curves; Hue/ Saturation.  


Line Art


This is my line art still life picture that i have scanned in.

I have coloured in the line art by using the magic tool to select the certain areas and then using the brush tool, on 10%, to do different shades.

 This is my final picture. I have changed the background and i have added some shadow. I am really happy with this because it looks really cheerful and the colours has came out good.

 Today, we have focused on doing line art drawings again. I have drawn a still life rose and then went over it in fine liner.

 This is my finished rose, after I completed the proses, I had to reduce the image to 150 and create a new A3 doc after. 
 This is my final outcome of it. We then had to change the settings a couple more time to get these effects. We used some tools like invert, adjustments, move tool and drag tool. 

 Scanning, adjusting size, contrast and colour patterns. I had fun creating this because it was really easy and simple. We have done a lot of steps to get this outcome though. Some of the steps that we have done were: Setting the scanner to the correct reasoluton, adjust the levels/ increase contrast, create a canvas on photoshop and more.

Today, we have been focusing on repeat pattern on the computer. First, i creted a drawing in the middle of the canvas. Next, we had to then use the horizontal tool to help the picture split into quarters.

After that, I created a new canvas and dragged my design  on it. Finally i saved it and it is done! I like the outcome o f it because it looks really pretty and it would be good for a childrens bedroom

I have now over lapped the previous imagine onto my other sample that i have created. I  think the outcome of this has came out quite nice because they both blend into each other.