Tuesday 1 October 2013

Course work

 My 3D object!

This is my 3D object of my cotton reel. we had to make it as creative as we want, so i added the most color to it as possible. The outcome i think of it is that it is pop arty and it stands out from a normal, dull and boring cotton reel. 

Group work!

This is my group work. We had to pick different sections from our books and add it to one quarter of the circle. I like the outcome of the of this because each of them are really different but nice in their own way. They look like it is a music scene, nature, a part of someones dream and a beauty advert.

Anime portraits!

This is my anime portraits page. I have done these pictures in my spear time and thought it would like well towards the project. I linked the portraits work to anime because all of the anime work people do always shows what kind of personality's they have in the drawing. over all, the outcome of them have turned out well. This is because they're all different but links to each other well.

Cloud! (Final Fantasy)

This is my drawing of cloud from Final Fantasy. I have linked it up to the portraits project because his face expressions are focused on his mission he is about to plan. I enjoyed drawing this picture because Final Fantasy is always really fun and interesting to draw.

Portrait of a horse!

This is my portrait of a hours. I have always liked drawing hours' because they're beautiful animals to draw. I tryed to make it realistic; tried to blend it the different shading tons. I enjoyed drawing this because the hours looks like the wind is breezing through its hair; it is focusing into the distance.

Andy sixx
Andy Sixx!! This is my portrait of Andy from Black veil brides. I tried to create darker and lighter shadings mix into one. The outcome of it is ok but i could of spent some more time on the hair to make it more realistic.


Self portrait in anime style!
This is my self portraint in anime style. We had to create a self portrait what might not be our a photograph. I done it in this style because i love music and it is a big part of my life, i also done anime because i love watching it/ drawing it. So i made her into a music lover

watermarking task!

This is my attempt of the water marking task. It confused me at first because i didn't get the image size but i got there in the end. 

We have finished the last topic in college and now is onto The City. We went to M shed, in Bristol-town, and i came across the lion dance costume. I really liked it and thought it is really pretty, so i done some research on its past history. After that, i wanted to link anime towards it. This is because the lion costume reminded me of anime/ manga with all of the bright colours. 

This is some of the stain glass window paintings I have done when we all went on a trip. I picked to do glass paintings because i really like how all of the colors mixes together and they all stand out. What i also like about them is that they all got different meanings to why they were made. I think the outcome of them has turned out really nice and they are all different.

This is an ancient tattoo in the Egyptian times. They didn't have ink and all of the equipment we have back then, so they cut their skin and then put ash over the cuts so it would sink in.  I found this interesting because it's amazing how so many things can actually improve a lot.   

This is a tattoo design I have done, photo copied them and then colored them in with watercolors.I like the outcome of them because the green one reminds me of an army picture where as the purple one reminds me of the sky. 

This is another tattoo i have drawn. I like this one because it looks like an evil/devil star is falling from the sky. It also is a really good tattoo for people who are fearless.

I have no idea what tattoo this is. I think it is a fantasy tiger design. I have done this a while ago in my spear time, so i can't remember. I thought it could join it in this work because it links into the tattoos what are around today.